The last few years I have fought hard for my kids, which will never stop. But to help C and H through school issues, and to support P through cancer, I have somehow left myself behind. I have let my self go... and I need to find her again if I'm to keep fighting for my boys!
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Some Pics
Here's the first batch of pics for you all to enjoy. It took me a little to figure out the problem, which was just that the files are too big! So, guess I need to downsize before I can upload them.

Friday, December 26, 2008
A wonderful Christmas
Well, I hope this finds everyone feeling sated and rested! We had a wonderful Christmas this year, didn't get much, but the boys truly enjoyed what they got. Santa brought them all hockey sticks, and we got them clocks for their rooms. The best present I got was from hubby... some years he really surprises me!
A few weeks ago hubby informed me that he would be heading to England for the office Christmas party. I was upset with him being gone, which I am usually not, but the timing and reason was just too much for me. I had jokingly told him that I should get a nice Digital SLR camera as compensation, not expecting it in the least. Well, I guess he decided I deserved it LOL. I was told to open my present first (we usually don't open presents, other than Santa stuff, until after breakfast), and there it was... a Canon EOS-50D. It is very, very nice. We have been having a lot of fun figuring it out, I'm sure it will be a while before I know everything.
We are planning on going sledding with the boys tomorrow, the weather will be nice enough for them to enjoy it for a good hour. After dinner we will be going to the Zoo to see all the lights, it will also be a good time to have fun with the new camera! Other than that we are keeping things very simple right now.
Next month we have to figure out which school Corbin should attend for Kindergarten. I would like him in a bilingual school, either Spanish or German, but we also have the option of the school just outside the city that is so much closer. Of course, I also wonder if I should just start homeschooling him. But then again, I also would like to wait until we get our yacht. Guess we have some talking to do.
Well, I just tried to upload some of the pics I took... but something happened and it didn't work?!?! So, I will try again tomorrow.
A few weeks ago hubby informed me that he would be heading to England for the office Christmas party. I was upset with him being gone, which I am usually not, but the timing and reason was just too much for me. I had jokingly told him that I should get a nice Digital SLR camera as compensation, not expecting it in the least. Well, I guess he decided I deserved it LOL. I was told to open my present first (we usually don't open presents, other than Santa stuff, until after breakfast), and there it was... a Canon EOS-50D. It is very, very nice. We have been having a lot of fun figuring it out, I'm sure it will be a while before I know everything.
We are planning on going sledding with the boys tomorrow, the weather will be nice enough for them to enjoy it for a good hour. After dinner we will be going to the Zoo to see all the lights, it will also be a good time to have fun with the new camera! Other than that we are keeping things very simple right now.
Next month we have to figure out which school Corbin should attend for Kindergarten. I would like him in a bilingual school, either Spanish or German, but we also have the option of the school just outside the city that is so much closer. Of course, I also wonder if I should just start homeschooling him. But then again, I also would like to wait until we get our yacht. Guess we have some talking to do.
Well, I just tried to upload some of the pics I took... but something happened and it didn't work?!?! So, I will try again tomorrow.
Monday, December 22, 2008
I am thankful....
The snow is blowing again, can't remember the last time Calgary will have had such a white Christmas! It is wonderful to have hubby home again, this house is just too big without him around. It will also be nice to not have to do my shopping with the kids around, grocery shopping with three crazy boys is a little taxing! I still need to figure out something to get hubby, it is just so hard to find things for him!
The boys were so happy to see Dada yesterday, Bug immediately told him he had to come and see something. He brought him over to the living room to show the Christmas decorations we have put up. I'm just glad that he is home safe and sound in time for Christmas.
Someone recently was asking what everyone was thankful for this Christmas, and I think I will answer here.
I am thankful for my wonderful Hubby, he is more than I ever even knew to ask for. He is a wonderful provider, father, and caring, loving husband.
I am thankful for my three wonderful, crazy boys! They might drive me a little crazy, but it doesn't matter at the end of the day when they are curled up so sweetly asleep in their beds.
I am thankful for our financial stability during this time of economic trouble. One thing that we don't have to worry about.
I am thankful that I am able to stay at home with my children, and that hubby can work from home (when he is in the country). It is nice to have our family together so much.
I am thankful for family and friends, they bring much joy and happiness to my life.
I am sure there is much, much more I could list, but I might end up sitting here for far too long! What are you thankful for????
The boys were so happy to see Dada yesterday, Bug immediately told him he had to come and see something. He brought him over to the living room to show the Christmas decorations we have put up. I'm just glad that he is home safe and sound in time for Christmas.
Someone recently was asking what everyone was thankful for this Christmas, and I think I will answer here.
I am thankful for my wonderful Hubby, he is more than I ever even knew to ask for. He is a wonderful provider, father, and caring, loving husband.
I am thankful for my three wonderful, crazy boys! They might drive me a little crazy, but it doesn't matter at the end of the day when they are curled up so sweetly asleep in their beds.
I am thankful for our financial stability during this time of economic trouble. One thing that we don't have to worry about.
I am thankful that I am able to stay at home with my children, and that hubby can work from home (when he is in the country). It is nice to have our family together so much.
I am thankful for family and friends, they bring much joy and happiness to my life.
I am sure there is much, much more I could list, but I might end up sitting here for far too long! What are you thankful for????
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Chirstmas Concert
Okay, so here is a few video's from the boys Christmas Concerts. The first one is Monkey's class reciting a poem, titled 'Clop, Clop, Clop'. He is in the bottom row, second from the right... the loudest one. The next video is from Bug's class, they are reciting the 'Chubby Snowman' Poem. He is in the front row in the middle... the one dancing at the end.
And here's one of Bug running to meet Santa.
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Long week
Well, it has been a very, very long week here. Today was the first day that I was actually able to relax over my tea at breakfast, instead of guzzling it down to get the kids dressed and out the door. I am looking forward to the next 2 weeks off from the daily school drive, especially since it has been rather cold out.
It will be wonderful to have hubby home tomorrow, my evenings have been a little too quiet.... I miss having someone around to talk with, snuggle with, and just to spend time with. I know the boys have missed him, Little man has been attaching himself to just about any male we are around. It will be nice to have some help with the boys, it is hard getting out the door on time with them.
Monkey and Bug had their Christmas concerts at school this week, they both did so well! Monkey was the loudest while reciting one of the poems, and Bug showed his enthusiasm by dancing a little jig after every song or poem. I will get some video's up tomorrow when I have more time.
As much as I like the idea of snow, and how it can look, I really, really don't like the cold that accompanies it anymore. The colder it gets, and the longer is lasts... the quicker I want to sell this house and move! Hubby was joking (at least I think he was, guess I will find out tomorrow afternoon) that if the temperature didn't go up, he might just stay in England instead of coming home. I did advise him that it would not be in his best interest to do that. Bad enough that he got to go and party without me, but don't leave me alone with the kids any longer than needed.
It is rather late, and I still have to be up with the kids in the morning. Thankfully Little Man is starting to sleep a bit better, I'm sure once these eye teeth are fully out he may even sleep through the night! Until then, I need to get myself to bed and hopefully get some sleep.
It will be wonderful to have hubby home tomorrow, my evenings have been a little too quiet.... I miss having someone around to talk with, snuggle with, and just to spend time with. I know the boys have missed him, Little man has been attaching himself to just about any male we are around. It will be nice to have some help with the boys, it is hard getting out the door on time with them.
Monkey and Bug had their Christmas concerts at school this week, they both did so well! Monkey was the loudest while reciting one of the poems, and Bug showed his enthusiasm by dancing a little jig after every song or poem. I will get some video's up tomorrow when I have more time.
As much as I like the idea of snow, and how it can look, I really, really don't like the cold that accompanies it anymore. The colder it gets, and the longer is lasts... the quicker I want to sell this house and move! Hubby was joking (at least I think he was, guess I will find out tomorrow afternoon) that if the temperature didn't go up, he might just stay in England instead of coming home. I did advise him that it would not be in his best interest to do that. Bad enough that he got to go and party without me, but don't leave me alone with the kids any longer than needed.
It is rather late, and I still have to be up with the kids in the morning. Thankfully Little Man is starting to sleep a bit better, I'm sure once these eye teeth are fully out he may even sleep through the night! Until then, I need to get myself to bed and hopefully get some sleep.
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Brrr.... It's cold outside!
Our first taste of Winter has finally arrived, and I wish it would leave as soon as possible! I just don't want to spend time holed up in the house because of the cold, and I don't care for driving around when the roads are so bad. I told hubby that the next move (I know there will be one soon enough) had better be to somewhere warm! LOL He told me that as soon as the company sells (he wants it sold ASAP), we would be on a plane to Cyprus.... warmth, sun, ocean, and even snow in the mountains... couldn't ask for more!
We went and got our Christmas Tree today, it's not the best we've ever had, but I'm sure I can make it work. It probably won't be ready to decorate until sometime tomorrow, but with all that we already have planned, it might not happen till Monday.
I really, really don't want Hubby to leave tomorrow, I miss him so much when he is gone, and the boys miss him terribly as well. In the last 3 years we have spent so much of our time together, that it is hard for me to have him away. I know that it has to happen, but it doesn't mean that I have to like it. It will be nice to not have to have him so far away for trips when we are in Cyprus, the rest of Europe is only a few hours away.
Little Man has been very upset lately, all four of his eye teeth are coming in at the same time. One minute he is playing happily, and the next he screams like the world is about to end! I can't wait for these teeth to finally be out, then I should have a 6-8 month break before the 2 year molars.
Bug's 3rd Birthday is coming up quickly, I will need to get the party invites printed up for Tuesday to take to school. He has decided that he wants a Dinosaur themed party, but not too scary... just a little bit. It should be interesting to see how I will do his cake!
We went and got our Christmas Tree today, it's not the best we've ever had, but I'm sure I can make it work. It probably won't be ready to decorate until sometime tomorrow, but with all that we already have planned, it might not happen till Monday.
I really, really don't want Hubby to leave tomorrow, I miss him so much when he is gone, and the boys miss him terribly as well. In the last 3 years we have spent so much of our time together, that it is hard for me to have him away. I know that it has to happen, but it doesn't mean that I have to like it. It will be nice to not have to have him so far away for trips when we are in Cyprus, the rest of Europe is only a few hours away.
Little Man has been very upset lately, all four of his eye teeth are coming in at the same time. One minute he is playing happily, and the next he screams like the world is about to end! I can't wait for these teeth to finally be out, then I should have a 6-8 month break before the 2 year molars.
Bug's 3rd Birthday is coming up quickly, I will need to get the party invites printed up for Tuesday to take to school. He has decided that he wants a Dinosaur themed party, but not too scary... just a little bit. It should be interesting to see how I will do his cake!
I love Dada more than you Mama!
Way to break my heart. Yup, while eating breakfast Monkey informs me that he loves Dada more than me... he still likes me, but Loves Dada.
I have always known he was a Dada's boy, but still thought he loved me... even a little bit!!! I know he loves me, but it does hurt when he puts it this way... and yes I know it's just him being 4, but it still hurts.
Wonder if I should remind him of this conversation in 20 years or so!
I have always known he was a Dada's boy, but still thought he loved me... even a little bit!!! I know he loves me, but it does hurt when he puts it this way... and yes I know it's just him being 4, but it still hurts.
Wonder if I should remind him of this conversation in 20 years or so!
Friday, December 12, 2008
He is going...
Well, Hubby is leaving Sunday for a week to go and party in England. Well, to be fair he will be working, it just bugs me this time since he will also be enjoying a nice evening out with the employees. I haven't attended a Christmas Party in about 3 years, and really miss getting together with friends and coworkers. This also means he will be missing both Monkey's, and Bug's Christmas Concerts! I will of course video them, but it just won't be the same.
We have a storm in the area tonight, with an between 15-25cm worth of snow expected to fall. The roads today were already bad enough, really not looking forward to what we might expect tomorrow. I really want Hubby to go and get the tree so that the boys and I can get it decorated on Sunday, but depending on the roads it may not happen. Could be a bit of a strange Christmas.
There is one good thing about Hubby being in England next week, he can get some presents for the boys while over there. I know that Bug would love to get a Fireman Sam Backpack, and there are a few other things he would love as well. Not 100% sure what Monkey would like, but I'm sure we will come up with something. I'm also hoping that he will get a Harrod's Christmas Bear, I have a few and would like to get more. It's about one of the only things I can afford from Harrods.
I tried to take some pictures of the boys for a Christmas card, yes I know I am rather late, but as is usual with the 3 of them... it was HARD to get them to all sit together. I will head down to the other computer tomorrow, and see if I can fix them up enough for a card... otherwise I might just have to quickly figure something else out. Here's the one I am hoping will work out.
We have a storm in the area tonight, with an between 15-25cm worth of snow expected to fall. The roads today were already bad enough, really not looking forward to what we might expect tomorrow. I really want Hubby to go and get the tree so that the boys and I can get it decorated on Sunday, but depending on the roads it may not happen. Could be a bit of a strange Christmas.
There is one good thing about Hubby being in England next week, he can get some presents for the boys while over there. I know that Bug would love to get a Fireman Sam Backpack, and there are a few other things he would love as well. Not 100% sure what Monkey would like, but I'm sure we will come up with something. I'm also hoping that he will get a Harrod's Christmas Bear, I have a few and would like to get more. It's about one of the only things I can afford from Harrods.
I tried to take some pictures of the boys for a Christmas card, yes I know I am rather late, but as is usual with the 3 of them... it was HARD to get them to all sit together. I will head down to the other computer tomorrow, and see if I can fix them up enough for a card... otherwise I might just have to quickly figure something else out. Here's the one I am hoping will work out.
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Not all that surprised....
Well, I should have known that hubby wouldn't be able to take the majority of December off, but I was at least hoping for a few extra days! But of course that dream has been dashed, shattered actually. He will most likely be leaving for England on Sunday for a week, just to go to the office Christmas party. Talk about rubbing salt into a cut. Here I am stuck with the kids, cold weather outside, and he gets to live it up in England.
I know he won't live it up that much, but I too would like to go out with a bunch of adults, and just have a good time. Heck, I haven't ever spent a night out with him and any of his employees... that is 3 years of staying home with the kidlets.
I guess you can see that I am ticked off, and I feel that I have every right to. I do understand that with the business situation, and the kidlets, that I can't join him easily... but I am still annoyed!!!
If I let him know how upset I am, do you think he will get me something on this trip... instead of just for the kids?????
I know he won't live it up that much, but I too would like to go out with a bunch of adults, and just have a good time. Heck, I haven't ever spent a night out with him and any of his employees... that is 3 years of staying home with the kidlets.
I guess you can see that I am ticked off, and I feel that I have every right to. I do understand that with the business situation, and the kidlets, that I can't join him easily... but I am still annoyed!!!
If I let him know how upset I am, do you think he will get me something on this trip... instead of just for the kids?????
Saturday, December 6, 2008
I HATE Colds!!!!
For anyone wondering where I have been the last few days, myself and the boys all have colds!!! Nasty sinus's, coughs and fevers. There is a bit of an upside to this though... Monkey, Bug, and Little Man have all been going to bed shortly after 6pm, and not waking up till around 7:30am. Now of course there is a downside as well.... Little Man is up multiple times a night, completely inconsolable. Last night I ended up sleeping with him on my chest on the easy chair, not the most comfortable place for me.
Thankfully hubby is home from Germany, but because it was such a short trip for him, he's having a very hard time with the time difference.
I did at least get in for my hair appt yesterday, needed a cut, and my colour re-done. I went much darker than I have in the past, but brighter as well.

I am now going to finish my lovely neocitron, and hope, and pray that Little Man can sleep a bit tonight!
Thankfully hubby is home from Germany, but because it was such a short trip for him, he's having a very hard time with the time difference.
I did at least get in for my hair appt yesterday, needed a cut, and my colour re-done. I went much darker than I have in the past, but brighter as well.
I am now going to finish my lovely neocitron, and hope, and pray that Little Man can sleep a bit tonight!
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
How long is a day???
I sometimes wonder how one day can seem so much longer than others... especially when you sleep in a bit!!! The boys slept longer than usual this morning, which in turn means that I did too. It was not a fun or relaxing morning as I tried to get everything, and everyone ready to head out the door, I only had 40 minutes! I'm surprised that I actually grabbed an orange to eat before running out the door, otherwise I would have had nothing to eat at all.
Bug seems to be missing hubby the most this time around, which is unusual for him. He has been throwing fits left, right and centre, and over the strangest of things. At school pick up time, Bug is supposed to walk towards me when his name is called, he of course decided this was a good day to run. When told that he would have to go back to the carpet and walk, he fell to the floor and started to whine and cry... ?????? This rule he has been following for 3 months, not sure what made today so special.
Little man produced a small fever this afternoon, somewhere around 38.5°. He's not showing any other signs of being sick, so I wonder if it is just his eye teeth about to erupt. It would be nice if he could get them out soon, and quickly too. He's close to sleeping through the night, and the sooner the better for my sanity.
My eating has be absolute crap lately... I don't think it has ever been this bad, but it has to stop. If I am ever going to lose weight, I need to bring it under control.... NOW!! I am going to use Sparkpeople to keep track of my eating this week (and for a little while longer), should help to keep me on track... don't really want to write down crap, makes it too real. There is no reason that I shouldn't be able to lose weight over the holiday season if I am careful in what food choices I make!
Bug seems to be missing hubby the most this time around, which is unusual for him. He has been throwing fits left, right and centre, and over the strangest of things. At school pick up time, Bug is supposed to walk towards me when his name is called, he of course decided this was a good day to run. When told that he would have to go back to the carpet and walk, he fell to the floor and started to whine and cry... ?????? This rule he has been following for 3 months, not sure what made today so special.
Little man produced a small fever this afternoon, somewhere around 38.5°. He's not showing any other signs of being sick, so I wonder if it is just his eye teeth about to erupt. It would be nice if he could get them out soon, and quickly too. He's close to sleeping through the night, and the sooner the better for my sanity.
My eating has be absolute crap lately... I don't think it has ever been this bad, but it has to stop. If I am ever going to lose weight, I need to bring it under control.... NOW!! I am going to use Sparkpeople to keep track of my eating this week (and for a little while longer), should help to keep me on track... don't really want to write down crap, makes it too real. There is no reason that I shouldn't be able to lose weight over the holiday season if I am careful in what food choices I make!
boys being boys,
weight loss
Monday, December 1, 2008
Hmm... why so noticable now???
So, for the last month or so I have had many people comment on my eyes?!?!? Last I check they are the same as always, but recently I have been getting many compliments on the size and colour of them. Yes, I like my eyes, but never really thought other people saw them the same way as I do... so I find it very odd how it has been commented about so much. I took a picture tonight before heading out, let me know what you think??? The only reason for why people are noticing my eyes more is the wonderful haircut I got a month ago, I Love my hairdresser!!!!
It was the ladies Advent dinner at my Church tonight, and event that I really enjoy each year. The food as always was wonderful and diverse, and the camaraderie as warm as well. The dessert I made this year was also a big hit, Sticky Toffee Pudding. It's a very traditional English dessert, tasty and gooey. I found this recipe on the BBC Food site, so far the best one I have used.
It was the ladies Advent dinner at my Church tonight, and event that I really enjoy each year. The food as always was wonderful and diverse, and the camaraderie as warm as well. The dessert I made this year was also a big hit, Sticky Toffee Pudding. It's a very traditional English dessert, tasty and gooey. I found this recipe on the BBC Food site, so far the best one I have used.
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