The last few years I have fought hard for my kids, which will never stop. But to help C and H through school issues, and to support P through cancer, I have somehow left myself behind. I have let my self go... and I need to find her again if I'm to keep fighting for my boys!
Friday, October 31, 2008
Halloween Fun
More Surprises!!!
He came home just before dinner, and asked me who it was that was interested in our present washer and dryer. I truthfully looked at him like he had 3 heads, and asked him why. All he did then was give me a little folder that had the receipts for all the above mentioned items. I think it took me a good 5 minutes to even say something! So, the couch and chair will be here Tuesday evening, and the washer/dryer will be coming on Wednesday. I am so excited to use the new washer/dryer, supposedly the steam option will make less ironing for me!!!!!
Other exciting news for us is that Little Man is an official toddler now! He took those first real steps last week, and yesterday decided to walk more than crawl. I am a little sad that I no longer have a baby in the house, but know that he will be my last. Sigh... it's too bad Hubby will not even consider another baby :(
Here's a video taken yesterday, along with what I am calling his happy dance at the end LOL.
Monday, October 27, 2008
Sewing and colds
I haven't done a lot of sewing the last few months, just nervous about using the machine with Little Man crawling around. It went a lot better than I could have hoped for! He wasn't really all that interested in coming into the sewing room, so didn't have to worry about him getting underfoot. Hopefully this means that I can now start to get some work done during the day, I have so many projects that I need to complete... and even more that I would like to start.
I do have one project that I want done before Christmas, and that is recovering a couch... again! I covered this couch 8 years ago, and here I am about to do it again. We decided that with the economy right now, it doesn't make sense to spend money on furniture. So, guess I am stuck fixing up the couch, I really, really dislike the cover that I made for it previously.
Wish me luck in getting the costumes done tomorrow!!!
Thursday, October 23, 2008
The new Vacuum
Even better was that he then proceeded to vacuum the house for me!!!!
Still can't believe that I got so excited for a ..... vacuum!!!!!!!
Thursday, October 16, 2008
No TV or Computer today!!!
So, now I have no choice but to deal without the back up occupation of TV and Computer to get me through the bad times. Making dinner tonight could be a very scary affair. I have felt that we watch a bit too much, but there are times (like making dinner) that I need something for them to do that doesn't make a mess... or start fights.
Here's a few pics of the fall walk that we took with the boys and their pre-school class.
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
- Red Rose (Orange Pekoe)
- Earl Grey (Loose and bagged)
- Rooibos
- Raspberry Rooibos
- Chai Rooibos
- Green
- Mint
- Chamomile (bagged)
- Evening Delight (bagged)
- Orange Spice Tea (bagged)
- English Breakfast (bagged)
- Mulled Spice Christmas
- Christmas Winterside
- Gingerbread Orange Rooibos
WOW, didn't think I had 14 different types of tea!!!! Now I just need an occasion to use them for!!!! Most of my family members are not that into tea, so it's usually just me and hubby drinking it. We usually go through about 10 bags of Red Rose in day, and I usually have either a Chai or Mint in the evening.
Hmmm... wonder what I could set up for a party that would require drinking tea....
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Plans, plans, plans...
We are trying to figure out what to do for our Anniversary next month, the boys will be staying with Grandma and Grandpa... one item dealt with, now it's just planning the rest! I am thinking we should stay within driving distance this time (flew to Barcelona 2 years ago when we lived in England), to afford nicer accommodations. I am really looking forward to this time alone with hubby, it will be wonderful to not be interrupted when we try to talk.
Off to watch some of my shows before heading to bed. Think I have House and Criminals Minds to watch tonight. Goodnight all.
Monday, October 6, 2008
Monkey and Bug were really doing thier best to get in trouble! I think it was around 15 time outs this afternoon... Little Man isn't helping by throwing a fit anytime he doesn't get his way. So, needless to say, there was a lot of screaming going on in this house today.
Well, I can't seem to get my thoughts out tonight... just not my night for writing I guess! Here's some pics of the days happenings.
Monkey showing me the leaves he found in the yard.
Little Man mad at me for closing the bathroom door LOL.
Little Man trying to help me on the computer.
Little Man checking out his socks.
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Early morning worries
I fear that this coming week will be a long one for me! Hubby leaves for Quebec tomorrow, and my ankle is not getting better at all..... in fact I think it has gotten worse!!!! I would really like to get the yard all ready for Winter, but I'm not sure if I will be able to manage that. Just got to pray hard that the week goes smoothly.
Saturday, October 4, 2008
The beginning of our Living Aboard Dream
We went to a boat show in Southampton, England a short time later, which was a real eye opener for me. A few months later, we were able to get away (it was our anniversary) for a few days without children. We attended the boat show in Barcelona, and this is when I started to fall in love with the idea of doing this!!!!! We spent a number of hours (it was very quiet during the week) on some Ferretti and Fairline yachts, specifically the Ferretti 88 and Fairline Squadron 78. These yachts make living aboard a very easy thing to do! The only thing that was a concern to us about these particular yachts was there range. On a fill, you would only go about 400-600 nautical miles. The fuel consumption is also high due to their high cruising speed of anywhere from 25knots to 30knots.
This then led to even more research, which is when I found Mulder Yachts. These have all the luxury and living accommodations of the Ferretti and Squadron, but had much, much better range. The photo up top is of our dream yacht, the Mulder 88 Flybridge. I don't know that we will ever have this specific yacht, but it's nice to dream about!
The more that I have thought about this over the last two years, the more that I want to do it. I realize that it will be a lot of work, but feel that the experience that we will all have far outweighs the negatives. I'm sure I will have more to say in regards to this over time, we don't expect to realize it all for another few years.... especially since Little Man is still so young.
We realize that this adventure of ours will be a lot of work, and that some days will be difficult, but we really look forward to spending more time with each other, and our boys.
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Evening Ramblings
I made it to the Doctor yesterday, and got some X-ray's taken of my ankle. It isn't broken (didn't even know you could walk around with a broken foot, but I now understand it's possible), but I do have a sliver of bone that has come off!!! Thankfully she said that I don't really need a cast, but will have a slightly longer healing time. So, guess I will be keeping up with the Advil and Tylenol for a bit longer.... because it still really hurts.
The weather here this week has been just strange! It has been sitting around 24°C (75°F), not exactly what is normal for this time of year. And of course I can't fully enjoy it with my ankle the way it is. Hopefully it will be well enough to get out a bit this weekend.
These pics were just too cute to not share!!! You can tell that Little Man was thoroughly enjoying those beans and cranberries!