Well, it's that time of year again.... Halloween!!!! Spent my morning sewing up the boys costumes. Monkey is going to be Captain Flamingo, Bug will be Fireman Sam, and Little Man will be a Monkey (rather fitting too LOL). It's going to be interesting walking down the street Friday night.... if that is we get to go! Poor Bug sounds so hoarse today, a bit like a frog. I just hope they are well enough to attend their school parties later this week.
I haven't done a lot of sewing the last few months, just nervous about using the machine with Little Man crawling around. It went a lot better than I could have hoped for! He wasn't really all that interested in coming into the sewing room, so didn't have to worry about him getting underfoot. Hopefully this means that I can now start to get some work done during the day, I have so many projects that I need to complete... and even more that I would like to start.
I do have one project that I want done before Christmas, and that is recovering a couch... again! I covered this couch 8 years ago, and here I am about to do it again. We decided that with the economy right now, it doesn't make sense to spend money on furniture. So, guess I am stuck fixing up the couch, I really, really dislike the cover that I made for it previously.
Wish me luck in getting the costumes done tomorrow!!!
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