Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Where did these crankies come from????

There must be something in the air today... cranky children seem to be everywhere!!!!! Bug seemed to go from one fit to the other seamlessly, Little Man just didn't want to do anything.... and Monkey... well... just wouldn't listen at all today! Thankfully they are all in bed and I can relax for a little bit... hopefully the crankies are gone by tomorrow!

We went out and got Monkey his new snowsuit and boots tonight... it's rather sad to think that Winter is so close right now. Now I just need to find something for Little Man to wear! Considering that this is boy #3, you would think that I already have something to use. Monkey didn't need warm clothes at this age, and Bug was living in England at this age, and we certainly didn't need snowsuits there. So, it looks like I will be hunting the consignment stores this next little bit.

I'm working on putting my down my thoughts about our plan to live aboard one day. I figure it's about time that I let everyone know about it all. Hopefully I can get it sorted out tomorrow if the crankies go away!

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