Wednesday, July 14, 2010

So far so good!

I have made it out to Kelowna, BC with the boys and trailer, all in one piece! The drive was longer than I would have liked, but with hauling The Puppy (that us what the boys have nicknamed the trailer), and a lot of road construction, there wasn't much to do but take it slow. The boys handled the drive really well, we left at 7 am, and didn't get to this spot till almost 6pm! We did of course make numerous stops, but i am just so darn proud of my boys

Found a fairly decent campground here, still not sure just how long I will stay, just wait and see what happens. The site is not ideal, but not the worst I've seen, and the location certainly makes up for that. From here we can easily explore most of the okanagan, without having to drive too far.

It's been a long day for not only me, butthe boys... Handled so much better than I even dreamed. Boys are now asleep, so it's now time for me to crash as well.

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